On Thu, Jul 25, 2002 at 04:36:22PM -0400, Clark C . Evans wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 25, 2002 at 03:48:29PM -0400, Michael Mealling wrote:
> | > 
> | >    urn:dns:com.clarkevans:MyPackage
> | > 
> | > Where the first three components are always small caps.
> | 
> | The problem is that URNs are required to be non-reasignable. So if 
> | the part between the second and third colons is based off of a domain-name
> | then you will have to timestamp it somehow.
> Ok, would this fly? 
>     urn:dns:yaml.clarkevans.com,2002;MyPackage
> Thank you both for humoring me.  YAML needs something clean
> like this for its type identifiers.

I would prefer the NID be something other than 'dns'. As it stands
it suggests that it in some way related to DNS when it really isn't
except for the firs section. But 'pkg' doesn't seem right either since
that suggests Java packages instead of what YAML wants to do with 'em.
Got any other suggestions?


Michael Mealling        |      Vote Libertarian!       | urn:pin:1
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      |                              | http://www.neonym.net

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