At 09:43 AM 9/28/2002 -0700, Bob Braden wrote:
>[Why] do we have to do this all over again?

Bob, perhaps the right model is to start with that text and break it out to 
a separate document, for independent treatment and citation.  (The 
precedent is ABNF.)

There are two justifications for doing this.

         One is that 14 years is long enough to warrant a community review 
and refinement of the definitions.

         The other is that the current round of discussion suggests that 
there is community interest for consensus on the terms, independent of a 
particular set of protocols.  The current context of the terms is tied to 
the TCP/IP suite, rather than claiming to be generic to all data networking.


Dave Crocker <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
TribalWise, Inc. <>
tel +1.408.246.8253; fax +1.408.850.1850

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