I've got a lot of information on this which I'd be happy to share and exchange, but I still need and want more details. I'm not sure the IETF list is the best place to discuss this matter, however, and if anyone can suggest an alternative site, I'd gladly participate there.

Please be aware that I got it partly wrong in my 1998 paper that Michael Froomkin cited regarding that incident. I apologize for a misstatement which may have been widely propagated. To clarify, the server operators who complied with the redirection request were pulling the root zone from a separate machine at ISI -- DNSROOT.IANA.ORG -- not B.

The research I've done on this is a central part of my Ph.D. dissertation. Anyone who has been holding their breath waiting to read it is long dead by now, but I am advancing. It's interesting stuff.

I don't have any after-the-fact explanation from Jon Postel himself regarding his motivation, but I disagree with the statement that his goal was to "embarrass" the USG.

Though it's fair to say that he was acting partly in reaction to pressures from members of CORE, I think his primary rationale was a deeply held conception of loyalty to the Internet community and its processes. I argue that he put that sense of loyalty ahead of loyalty to the officers of the US Government and their clearly stated wishes, as expressed by Ira Magaziner. It took a plain threat of coercion from the USG to make him bow and reverse the move.

The problem of divided loyalty and authority in the Internet community stretches back to RFC 1174, and was tested in the redirection incident.

Also, while John Gilmore was evidently an important agent leading the call for the redirection -- at that particular time -- Paul Vixie evidently was not -- at that particular time. Vixie had urged such a move in the past, when the atmosphere was not so charged, but his role in the Jan 1998 episode seems to have been similar to that of the other operators who complied with the request. They went along, even with raised eyebrows, but they trusted Postel's judgment and acted with loyalty to him and the processes he represented.

Again, I'd be willing to engage this further, and I'd be thrilled to be set straight if I've got any other flat facts wrong. Right now I'm most interested in getting nitty gritty details about the negotiations between CORE and Ira Magaziner in late 97 early 98, if anyone here can help me with that. I'm even more interested in the September 1995 discussion that ultimately allowed NSI to begin charging for names, but Don Mitchell hasn't answered my emails.

Craig Simon

Michael Froomkin - U.Miami School of Law wrote:

tells the story as best I could reconstruct it.  There are footnotes to
the documents I could find.

On Thu, 31 Oct 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm looking for sources of information on the hi-jacking of the usg root
servers by Postel, Gilmore and Vixie.

Anyone remember this?  It was on Jan 27 1998 when postel convenced a
number of the root operators to switch the primary from a root to f root
(paul vixie).  This seems to have been done to embarrase the federal
government - Ira magaziner the presidential science advisor took a birdy
and treatened postel with a visit from the men in black.

I can understand magaziners disposition at the time.  The postel "test"
was a day prior to the Jan 28 release of the presidential green paper and
left magaziner holding the eggs so to speak.

thanks in advance for any links you may have in your archives.

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