On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 17:34:54 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>Certainly. Just about every ISP (except for those run as fronts by the
>spammers themselves) has an acceptable use policy that prohibits
>spamming along with activities that are actually illegal. Nearly every
>ISP maintains an "abuse" address to which complaints can be sent. I
>use these addresses myself on a regular basis, either directly or
>through spamcop.
>I see nothing wrong with holding users accountable after the fact for
>spamming or illegal activities. My only problem is with pre-emptive
>mechanisms that block perfectly legitimate applications and hurt
>people who have never spammed or broken the rules.

The default is blocking Port 25.  Would an acceptable compromise
be to make IAB policy that Port 25 would be opened to legitimate
customers, just as rate-limited is relaxed now for legitimate
users upon application?   This would preserve the block against
Black Hats while allowing legit users like yourself to do your

Do any ISPs now have such a policy?

Jeffrey Race

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