>   I see. So, it is demo.jabber.com, port 5269?

i have no idea...i just type in the domain name and it works.

>   SRV records *do* make diagnostics hard, since I can not confirm that a
> host is alive with "ping"

yeah, but i guess the question is "why"? it would be helpful if you
could tell me what diagnostic you're seeing when you try to join a room...
>     Marshall> i'll ask the ops guys to install an A RR, but you should be
>     Marshall> able to join 
>   Thank you.
>   *gabber* does not understand the SRV construct is seems.

hmmm... i tried gabber by just typing in the domain name, and it worked ok.
>   Also, with gabber, it seems that all the userids' that I've made up
> are in use already.

if someone is already in a conference room with a given nickname, the
room won't let a second person in with the same nickname...

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