Is that called INET meetings?

Franck Martin

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Hoffman / IMC [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, 24 March 2003 12:11 
> Subject: Re: Barrel-bottom scraping
> At 12:05 AM +0200 3/24/03, Pekka Savola wrote:
> >I fail to see what added value they might bring
> They could be very useful to explaining to our management and 
> marketing departments and so on the value of standards, particularly 
> IETF standards. Further, because most companies focus on a small part 
> of the Internet, they could show why the whole picture is important.
> And I agree that they should not be held next to IETF meetings. Maybe 
> once a year between meetings, or in conjunction with other 
> "networking events" that these people might go to, such as N+I or 
> Comnet.
> --Paul Hoffman, Director
> --Internet Mail Consortium

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