Particularly the third item...

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 27 March 2003 16:35
Subject: [ga] ITU-T Workshops on E-Health, E-Government, and Next
Generation Ne tworks

The ITU-T is organizing three open workshops on, respectively, E-Health,
E-Government, and Next Generation Networks.  A brief description is provided
below, together with the URLs pointing to full information.

Standardization in E-Health, 23-25 May 2003, Geneva, Switzerland.
Standardization in e-health has long been sought, but has so far not
produced a very high level interoperability desired by many. In organizing
this workshop, ITU-T, with the support of ITU-D and the participation of
ISO, IEC and other SDOs, aims at identifying the key issues needed in
support of attaining this goal and to identify a possible role to be played
in ITU-T to promote such standards.  Full information at:

Challenges, perspectives and standardization issues in E-Government, 5-6
June 2003, Geneva, Switzerland.  This workshop looks to develop perspectives
for the members and invited guests on the issues facing Member States and
vendors in the implementation of e-Government solutions today and in the
future, with a focus on standardization issues.   Full information at:

Next Generation Networks: What, When and How, 9-10 July 2003, Geneva,
Switzerland.  The concept of Next Generation Networks (NGN) is quickly
emerging as an essential initiative towards defining "what do we do next?"
The current situation in telecommunications is characterised by over-arching
market factors encompassing open competition between operators due to the
rapid deregulation, the explosion of digital traffic (especially the
increasing use of the Internet), in combination with sustained market demand
for new generation multimedia services and applications. A key element of
the marketplace is the increasing demand for global mobility and nomadism as
these become norms from the end user point of view. Full information at:


Richard Hill
Counsellor, ITU-T SG2
International Telecommunication Union
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CH-1211 Geneva 20
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