On woensdag, mei 28, 2003, at 21:39 Europe/Amsterdam, Dean Anderson wrote:

It surprises me that so many people are so eager to declare defeat
before even trying the protocol route.

We tried protocols 5 years ago. They haven't worked. I've explained why
specifically, and why in theory they can't work.

I'm not interested in a discussion about semantics so we can define the problem as solvable or unsolvable.

I found the following to be an interesting read: http://www.cdt.org/spam/

It shows that even five years ago or so most ligitimate businesses advertising legitimate services through spam employed header forgery. If we can't stop spammers from spamming we should at least be able to stop them from doing so in ways that add insult to injury by derailing the entire email service.

So let's have that BOF.

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