On Fri, 30 May 2003, John C Klensin wrote:

> --On Friday, 30 May, 2003 14:09 -0400 Dean Anderson
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >...
> > And John has obviously never been involved in a Law
> > Enforcement request. But I have.  Private emails to him seem
> > to confirm this, or at least he didn't indicate anything to
> > the contrary.  While he may have been working on SMTP
> > protocols for 30 years, he obviously hasn't been involved in
> > trackig abuse of various sorts, and has no idea of whether
> > this is expensive or difficult.
> Dean, private emails to me didn't raise the issue of Law
> Enforcement requests, so, no I "didn't indicate anything to the
> contrary (I note that I didn't "indicate to the contrary" about
> eating babies three times a week either).

You make is sound as though I didn't ask. I obviously didn't ask you if
you eat babies. But I did ask if you've ever tracked down an abuser:

This is from a private message to you:
> And I've been involved with SMTP, and its predecessors, for over
> thirty years now -- standards, protocol design, gateway design
> and implementation, and operations and deployment in
> organizations and enterprises ranging from the very small to the
> very large.

But have you ever tracked down an abuser?

Have you ever sold standards based services to customers that want
standards based services?  Do you really understand why customers want

Thats operational experience.

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