  *> So, on the one hand, we have the actual behavior of millions of people.
  *> On the other hand we have Keith Moore's opinion about what they ought
  *> to prefer. I don't have any trouble figuring out which one I believe.
  *> -Ekr


Errr, let's see if I understand your argument.  You advocate boxes that
have the effect of disallowing a large class of services.  We all
understand that such boxes are in fact in heavy use in today's
Internet, so there is a large set of users who cannot use any of the
services from this class.  So, your argument is that you can
demonstrate that users don't want any of these blocked services,
because they aren't using them today.


Repeating this argument endlessly and fervently does not make
it any less a contradiction.  Can we move on to something more useful?

Bob Braden

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