Paul Vixie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> > very well.  then i request that you remove the "hostport" from the syntax.
>> The rationale being?
> you said it best, earlier:
>> >> ... Furthermore, DNS URIs do not require the use of the DNS protocol at
>> >> all, it just denote a DNS resource. ...
> a dns resource lives where its parent NS RRs say it lives -- and not, as
> you also suggest...
>> The hostport describes the authority that know the intended DNS
>> resource.  An authority is useful even for abstract, non-DNS-protocol,
>> DNS resources.  DNS resources themselves are indexed by (NAME, CLASS,
>> TYPE), but to distinguish between the answer that entity A
>> knows/generate, and the answer that entity B knows/generate, an
>> authority scope like "hostport" is needed.
> the answers that different entities can generate.

This view limit the usefulness of the URI, as it cannot be used to
refer to, e.g., not-yet delegated data.  It can be useful to use DNS
URIs to denote DNS data in a delegation request, to indicate where the
new data will be placed, so it can be checked for conformance with
various rules.

>> Most applications probably will not care, and use the "default"
>> authority, trusting the local server to do the right thing.  But for
>> internal DNS environments, specifying the authority could be required.
> you can't have it both ways.  either you're trying to represent dns data
> using the <qname,qtype,qclass> tuple, or you're trying to represent
> the query itself.

I'm trying, like the document says, to represent dns data using the
<qname,qtype,qclass> tuple together with the authority/server.  The
authority was added to be able to denote data that, for some reason,
is not linked into the global DNS.  The reason could be multiple
roots, split-view DNS, disconnected operation, efficiency or whatnot.

I could remove the hostport element if the consensus is that doing so
would improve the usefulness of the URI.  Anyone else with an opinion?
Remove hostport or keep it?


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