On Fri, 22 Aug 2003, Henry Sinnreich wrote:

> > I certainly don't share that assumption.  Then again, I don't share the
> > assumption that any central coordinating authority is needed to set up
> > conferencing services.
> This is an interesting point. The XCON WG is about _Centralized_
> conferencing platforms. Who does operate such centralized systems?

It seems to me that the issue isn't whether a conferencing service could
be setup without a central authority but rather if when there is a need
for central control, what are the protocols used to coordinate with the
controlling authority. I believe there is a need for both forms of
  a.  Distributed control
  b.  Centralized control

WebEx and Placeware (now owned by MS) are examples of centralized systems
which currently exist.

Dave Morris

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