Regarding the following:

On Tue, 19 Aug 2003, IESG-Secretary wrote:
> A new charter for the ADSL MIB (adslmib)
> in the Operations and Management Area
> of the IETF is being considered.
> The draft charter is provided below for your review
> and comment.
> The IETF Secretariat
> ADSL MIB (adslmib)
> ---------------------
> + lines with a + sign are new text
> - lines with a - sign will be removed from charter
>  Description of Working Group:
[ ... ]
> - In addition, the group will continue to work on the promotion of the
> - ADSLMIB, the ADSL Extension MIB, and the HDSL2/SHDSL MIB through the
> - IETF standards process.

I'm curious as to why this is being removed.  The WG charter currently
lists three RFCs, all at Proposed standard:

Definitions of Managed Objects for the ADSL Lines (RFC 2662,
August 1999)

Definitions of Managed Objects for HDSL2 and SHDSL Lines (RFC 3276,
May 2002)

Definitions of Extension Managed Objects for Asymmetric Digital
Subscriber Lines (RFC 3440, December 2002)

Does it mean that the WG will no longer attempt to advance these
specifications to Draft Standard?

Mike Heard

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