On Mon, 25 Aug 2003, Tony Hain wrote:

> Randy Bush wrote:
> > this assertion is false, or disingenuous at best.
> > backbone service providers are turning it on at great
> > pain, much of that pain due to lack of support from
> > large router vendors.
> A few are working on lab efforts, and a very small number are offering
> service. Even if the transit ISP's had full up support today, that doesn't
> get the job done. The real issue is to convince the smaller ISP's that offer
> service directly to the end user.
funny, i'm building a wireless version of that now, and ARIN seems to want
$2500 from me for an allocation.

> > you have been operating on that theory for many years and it has not
> worked.
> If one goes back to the origin of ngtrans, I was the one pushing hard to
> make sure that dual stack was the priority, and that all of that was
> specified before any solutions for corner cases. Even with dual stack as the
> primary approach, many network managers are expressing reluctance because
> they don't want to overlook the corner case that is important in their
> network. Independent of that, app developers see no value in building code
> for a network that they can't rely on working. It has only been recent work
> with 6to4 & teredo creating the perception of an end-to-end (in this case it
> only works at the end points) IPv6 network that has allowed apps to move
> beyond what they can do with IPv4.
> > > Bottom line, the end user doesn't know or care about IP or any version
> > > issues.  They type names, or click on links, and magic happens.
> >
> > yep.  as i said <http://www.ietf.org/> usually works pretty well.
> So why shouldn't port 25 work?
> > > It is our job to make that magic happen in more places, and as
> > > transparently as possible.
> >
> > no.  it is the vendors' and operators' jobs.
> Ok, it is our job to create the consistency so that vendors can create
> products for operators to deploy and deliver services. In any case, just
> having a deployment in a few backbone routers doesn't get the job done.
> Tony

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