I'll give you one good reason.  And that is updating the drafts once
the initial RFC is published.  If the origional XML/.doc/input language of the 
day is available, then I don't have to spend my time converting the text
into a usable form to get the formating done easily.

For this reason only, having origional input would be useful.
(Yes I know, I can always go ask the origional editor for the input source,
but that may take time locating that person and getting access to the
input doc)

On Tue, Sep 02, 2003 at 11:19:29AM -0700, Paul Hoffman / IMC wrote:
> At 10:47 AM -0700 9/2/03, Eliot Lear wrote:
> >I don't know about about you, Paul, but I'm writing my drafts using 
> >EMACS and Marshall's tool.  That allows for generation of HTML, 
> >NROFF, and text.  The HTML allows for hyperlinks, which is REALLY 
> >nice.
> Great! Why does that mean that the XML input should be published in 
> the Internet Drafts directory along with the text output?
> --Paul Hoffman, Director
> --Internet Mail Consortium

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