> Maybe I read your paper on project SNIPE too quickly, but it was not 
> immediately clear that the problems you mentioned  were a specific 
> result of an attempt to make the application resilient against
> (sudden) changes in IP address. 

that wasn't quite the purpose of SNIPE.  SNIPE didn't really anticipate
that the network would change IP addresses out from under it, but rather
that processes (and thus their IP addresses) would need to be accessible
from multiple addresses (in order to be able to use the most efficient
network medium available), and to be able to migrate from one address to
another (in order that the system as a whole could continue to operate
for long periods of time without interruption).

still, the mechanisms we built for SNIPE (and then discarded) were very
similar to what people are now proposing as a way to cope with changes
in IP address, and our experience with SNIPE seems like a good
indicator of how well those mechanisms could be expected to work.

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