Adam Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Because this is probably a community of interest for the
> topic of DNS, I thought it would be worthwhile mentioning
> that Verisign has apparently unilaterally put in place
> wildcard DNS records for *.com and *.net. All unregistered
> domains in .com and .net now resolve to, which
> runs a Verisign-operated web search engine on port 80.

And SMTP on 25/TCP.

The current setup breaks setups like     86400   IN      MX      10     86400   IN      MX      20

Previously, MTAs could not resolve and would therefore use
the secondary.  Now, they can, and get a 550 error on RCPT TO:.

Granted, the setup has always been erroneous and risky, but breaking
this without proper notice is still extremely annoying.

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