Verisign's recent inclusion of wildcard RR's for the .net and .com TLD's
does not violate any standards in the DNS that I can find, although it has
raised some interesting questions with regard to the ethical behavior or
TLD managers.

I think that managers of the TLD's should not be allow to use wild card
RR's in this manner.  I think there is a vast difference between a second
level domain name holder using a wildcard and a TLD manager using a
wildcard.  That differnce being that the TLD managers are custodians of
second level domain names and as such the public trusts that they will
manage that domain name space in a fair and equitable manner.  TLD managers
charge the public for the right to use second level domains.  They should
not be allow to profit from the use of unused second level domains.  I
believe that TLD managers should have to choose between profiting from
their registration services and profiting from the use of the domain name
space they are trusted to manage.

I am not saying that TLD manager's should not be allow to profit from
second level domains they register for themselves.  They should be free to
register any second level domain name they can legally register and use it
for whatever purpose they wish.  They should be specifically prohibited
from using all unregistered second level domains by virtue of the fact that
they can synthisise any second level domain name on the fly due to their
technical position in the resolution path.

David Botham

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