On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 12:04:31 EDT, Dean Anderson said:
> > You have yet explain how is it misreporting anything.  It in fact
> > reporting that the domain is available for purchase. How is that
> > misreporting?
> Well.. let's follow this line of reasoning.  If I mail to a domain, *and it gets
> a pointer to a mail server* then we can conclude one of the following:
> 1) The domain is *NOT* available for purchase, because it is *IN USE* by
> at  least that mail server.

No, that isn't correct. If you want to purchase a domain, you have to
check the registry database via whois.

> 2) The domain is available, but is in the DNS.  This would by all
> reasonable people be judged a miscommunication between the registrar of
> record and the DNS server, as there is data in the DNS that is not in
> any registrar.

Again, the method you describe is not a valid or method for determining if
domains are available. Nor is it one that any reasonable person would use
to determine if a domain was available for purchase.  So it has no value
as a rationale to justify the claim that something has been misreported.


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