Joel Jaeggli wrote:
what exactly is the point of having a wep key shared by 2000 people.

I didn't mean it for data confidentiality; I meant it for building the
wires W in WEP not for the P privacy. Basically one such W for ietf and one for aodv.

We've noticed that setting both the essid and the key helps a lot with
the automatic detection various procedures, such as end-user laptops
don't get automatically attached to essid's that happen to be advertised
 without keys by other end-users' laptops.

except to have another thing for people to screw up when they try and
 type it in our paste it. thereby increasing the support overhead at
 the help desk.

Yes, I understand that talking in terms of 2000 actual people is different than in terms of 20some hosts we're using.


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