> > hmmm.  that configuration works fine for me here.
> Ok... But does it also do anything useful? My understanding of what happens
> when a resolver starts is that it asks a root server for the list of root
> servers and then uses that list from then on. Since this list only contains
> IPv4 addresses currently that initial query is also the last one done over
> IPv6.

yes, that's how BIND works.  other implementations (DJB or uSoft) may differ.

> > not according to the RIR's.  at least in ARIN's case the
> > micro-allocation policy seems to have met with approval by the
> > membership, which is why we're using a /48 for f-root.  if this is a
> > bad idea because all kinds of ISP's won't be accepting such routes
> > even though they seem to be grouped together in a place where a
> > different prefix filter could be employed, then you ought to tell
> > the RIR's this and get the microallocation policies altered or torn
> > down.
> ...
> I think this stuff is too important to leave up to individual RIRs.

i'm sure there's a correct forum for you to state your concerns.  is this it?

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