In any case, what standing do you have to comment on what mail is
rejected by other peoples SMTP servers?

Sites can reject mail to their own servers if they want to. the issue
is whether they're being misled about the criteria used by a blacklist.

If that is an issue, it ought to be raised by those who are being
misled, the targets of mail, instead of senders and other third parties.

it IS being raised by them, for those who are actually able to figure out what's going on. of course, when the recipient doesn't receive the mail he's expecting, he has no idea where to look - so he tends to blame the sender.

Apparently you also think that it's acceptable to forward mail from
people you don't like to DCC, misrepresenting it as spam. The only
reasonable response to people with this kind of attitude ends with "and
the horse you rode in on". Actually, that's being far too polite.

First, contrary to Keith Moore's the baloney, DCC clients detect bulk mail.

whatever. your mail server claims it's forwarding my mail to DCC, and it's not bulk mail.

Consider "courtesy" copies of mailing list messages and the people who
send them.  Many courtesy copies are sent unthinkingly by using a
"reply all" function, but others are intentional.  The intentional
copies amount to "microphone queue jumping."

"and the horse you rode in on."

you are misleading people, and you know it.

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