Consistent with my December update, there have not been many further
comments on the IAB Advisory Committee report. The IAB has requested that the RFC-Editor publish the document

One substantive point of discussion that has come up more than
once is:  why does changing the administration structure of the
IETF help deal with the budgetary issues that have been outlined?

Changing structure doesn't make those problems go away, of course.
The entire thrust of the proposed restructuring, we believe, is
that more coordination of the different IETF activities (in terms
of their administration and budgeting) is a necessary first step
to giving us, the contributing community, the tools necessary
to address the pressing financial questions.

We expect to have an Internet-Draft outlining more concrete proposals
(and addressing that question in more detail) published by
the -00 cutoff deadline for IETF59 (February 9).



    Yours to discover."
                               -- ThinkingCat
Leslie Daigle

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