I have just received the following advice from our services here:

"The Medical Service informs that following the spread of avian influenza
(bird flu) in South East Asia, as a precautionary measure it is advisable,
for all those who are going on mission to this area, to be vaccinated
against influenza.

Although, this vaccination does not protect you from bird flu (H5N1) it
offers a degree of immunity.

It goes without saying that one should pay scrupulous attention to personal
hygiene and the consumption of food and that all contact with poultry (in
markets, farms, slaughter houses ...) is to be avoided at all costs.


A country-by-country overview of the situation can be found on the BBC's



I am very much looking forward to my first visit to Seoul!

It is my next visit to the US that has me more concerned. That security guy
with the bright blue latex gloves at JFK last time... And I am always, but
always, pulled out for the special treatment! Ouch!<vbg>


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