Hi all,

The call for papers for the relatively famous Free Software Forum is up:


I was wondering if anybody from the IETF was planning to give a talk? If
not, I was going to propose a couple of sessions myself (in a non-official, 
participatory way of course - I don't propose speaking FOR the IETF so to 

1. An introduction to the IETF - designed for open source hackers who really
need to understand the processes of WGs and RFC creation better, with an
intention of getting more developers and technologists involved in the
standards processes, as well as the research side of things

2. A round-up of interesting RFCs - most people aren't aware of what RFCs 
have been published in the last 3-4 years, nor what impact they could have 
on them. The intention here is to get open source developers interested in 
turning some of the RFCs that we hoped so much for, into more widely adopted 
protocols. In effect, an "advert" for some work from the WGs.

Thoughts welcome, particularly if the consensus is these talks would be a 
Bad Idea(tm).

Paul Robinson

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