On Thu, Jul 08, 2004 at 01:56:50PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Procmail filtering on 'From:|To:|cc:' is easy enough.  There's probably
> a way to get Procmail to snarf up the Message-Id: header for the sender's
> posting, and then look for that msgid in any References: or In-Reply-To:
> headers ('formail -D 16384 that_persons_postings' will get a cache
> going, but matching any header other than another Message-Id: is interesting.. ;)

I use procmail, but have a headache working out how to use the Message-ID
to filter out a thread started by someone in my kill list.   Using all
receipt headers is dangerous because if one of the loons joins a good
discussion the procmail may essentially DoS it for me.   I just want to lose
any posting and any thread started by anyone in my kill list.   At the
momnet I just have the former.


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