I think a doc like this should certainly be prominently featured somewhere,
maybe even under the title, on our webpage. Whatever way anyone could come
up with to get someone to read background on the org before blindly
searching for an RFC or posting to a list would probably help A LOT of


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul
Hoffman / VPNC
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 11:01 AM
Cc: Susan Harris
Subject: Please help us revise of Tao of the IETF

Greetings. Susan Harris and I have begun another round of work on "The Tao
of the IETF", RFC 3160. The new version is at

We would like to get comments and suggestions on how to make this document
as useful as possible for newcomers to the IETF. We are particularly
interested in hearing from people for whom the recent San Diego meeting was
the first IETF meeting they had attended. If you are in that group, please
look through the Internet Draft and let us know what is missing that would
have helped you with your experience.

Thanks in advance!

Paul Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Susan Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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