At 09:50 11/10/2004, Dean Anderson wrote:
Rather, its the truly novel patents that cause the most damage. They have the potential to cripple entire subject areas. Being truly novel, they won't be reversed, and will stand. And being novel, they may be hard or impossible to overlap and cross-license.

This is why the only solution is UN e-human rights to be inforced by WIPO saying that every man is entitled to a free access to the common online relations logics, like every man is entitled to free speech. This is what we need the WSIS to declare in November. Then we need that a forum is acknowledged as responsible to declare what is "common technology", validate free to all access code, and organize/negotiate compensations to concerned IPRs (like for TV technology, like for TLDs). We do not need to reinvent the wheel. But we need the wheel to be the same type as others.


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