On Fri, 15 Oct 2004, Sam Hartman wrote:

> >>>>> "Brian" == Brian Rosen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Brian> You guys don't have a problem with the "defensive
>     Brian> suspension"/"no first use" clauses, do you?
> There is not consensus in the free software community on this issue.
> I believe the Open Source Initiative (opensource.org) is OK with such
> clauses.  Debian (debian.org) is not although there are some of us
> within Debian who question this decision.  I don't know what the FSF's
> stance is on this issue.
> This is one of the many reasons why I think the free software
> community needs to get together and decide what it wants *before*
> coming to the IETF.

The free/open source software communities and the IETF are not mutually
exclusive sets.

> Again, I'm not proposing that the free software community can change
> the IETF's IPR policies We had that debate recently and it's clear
> there is not consensus to change it.
> I do think that some patent holders want to make their technology
> available to the free software community.  I believe that if the free
> software community agreed on what it wanted, it would be reasonable
> for the IETF to pass that along to IPR holders as information to
> consider when drafting proposed licenses.
> --Sam
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