
We do not understand each other at all.

My email of a week ago was addressed to one simple point:

Fear expressed by a few people that obtaining non-profit U.S.
501(c)(3) status for either the IETF or a separate organization
supporting be IETF could be difficult and perhaps not possible.

I was _only_ stating that such fear is unfounded.

I do confess that I made an attempt to provide some information
to show that this fear is unfounded.

Drop this issue and get back to productive discussion.

Gene Gaines

On Wednesday, September 29, 2004, 5:04:00 PM, Kai wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gene Gaines)  wrote on
> 22.09.04 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>> It appears to me that IETF qualifies for this status easily as

> But we're not interested in this status for the IETF.

> We don't want to incorporate the IETF.

> What is under discussion is incorporating a separate organization whose
> mission is supporting the IETF.

>> a technical, memberhhip organization, not operated for private

> Neither the IETF, nor this possible new organization, has any (formal)
> membership.

>> I spoke briefly with a U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) expert
>> who told me informally that IETF appears to qualify easily for
>> non-profit, tax-exempt status.

> Well, given how far your model seems from the one discussed here, that
> seens worth nothing whatsoever.

> MfG Kai

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