At 06:11 PM 11/13/04 +0100, Simon Leinen wrote:
>> Developed countries and the IETF need to cater for these emerging
>> nations to avoid the digital divide.

The IETF has addressed these issues quite well I think, because the standards are there. The IETF doesn't really have a tradition of advocating the use of these standards to service providers. Maybe a job for ISOC (or the UN :-?.


ISOC, in Franck's note, is indeed bringing an issue to the table. One might suggest commenting to NANOG (in North America, where Yahoo is located) or Apricot (The "AP" means "Asia/Pacific") in addition to the IETF list, but Franck is in fact doing this.

Franck, I'll see if I can talk with someone at Yahoo for you. This seems a reasonable request, especially given that Yahoo is a popular mail service among customers in digitally divided parts of the world.

    Fred Baker

 |     Fred Baker                 |        1121 Via Del Rey          |
 |     Chairman, ISOC BoT         |        Santa Barbara, California |
 +--------------------------------+        93117 USA                 |
 | Nothing will ever be attempted,| phone: +1-408-526-4257           |
 | if all possible objections must| fax:   +1-413-473-2403           |
 | be first overcome.             | mobile:+1-805-637-0529           |
 |     Dr. Johnson, Rasselas, 1759|                                  |

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