Eric S. Raymond writes:

> For somebody administering a network of 100 machines, the hassle cost
> of IP renumbering would be twenty times larger.  Given this, how could
> anyone wonder why NAT is popular?

There's another feature of NAT that is desirable that has not yet been
mentioned, and which at least some customers may be cognizant of: the
fact that NAT is a pretty restrictive firewall.

I'm as big a fan of the end-to-end principle as anybody, but until the
ends are trustworthy, we can't get there. Whether by IPv6 or IPv4,
less-than-fanatically-administered Windows and Unix systems simply
cannot be directly connected to the Internet.


Chris Palmer
Staff Technologist, Electronic Frontier Foundation
415 436 9333 x124 (desk), 415 305 5842 (cell)

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