[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leif Johansson)  wrote on 27.11.04 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Jeroen Massar wrote:
> > On Fri, 2004-11-26 at 10:11 +0100, Leif Johansson wrote:
> >
> >>>For somebody administering a network of 100 machines, the hassle cost of
> >>>IP renumbering would be twenty times larger.  Given this, how could
> >>>anyone wonder why NAT is popular?
> >>
> >>Wrong. If you administer 100's or 1000s of machines you build or buy
> >>a system for doing address management. Renumbering is only difficult
> >>if your system is called vi :-)
> >
> >
> > Wrong ;) Well at least, up to 1000 is probably doable.
> > But what if you are talking about 100s or 1000s of organizations with
> > each a 100 or 1000 machines.
> My site is 10k+ addresses. Seems easy enough to manage to me :-)

"If you have servers on your segment, they get addresses from the X..Y  
pool. Otherwise, you use DHCP, or you get fired."

Something like that? Seems a fairly obvious solution.

MfG Kai

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