--On tirsdag, desember 07, 2004 02:20:38 +0100 "Wijnen, Bert (Bert)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

After a brief trip to the lawyer, and considering current
discussion... a new suggestion:

Replace principle 6 with the following:

   6.  The IETF, through the IASA, shall have a perpetual
       right to use, display, distribute, reproduce, modify and
       create derivatives of all data created in support of IETF

So does the above include the copy-right on RFCs?
Or is it covered elsewhere?

This is actually very similar to the rights that RFC 3667 states is given to the IETF on usage of "IETF contributions".
In that particular case, "copyright" is used as the mechanism to make sure we (the IETF) have those rights - so you could see RFC 3667 as an application of the principle.


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