As near as I can tell, there is no argument that IETF money or assets should be kept for use by/on behalf of the IETF - should not be spent on other things, and should be accounted for appropriately. The language you reference seems to deal with various ways to phrase that. However it is phrased, I suspect we all agree on that.

What I understood the question to be was whether one would use generally agreed accounting principles in doing so - for example, not mingling designated funds with general funds in a common checkbook, and whether the words "account" or "accounts" mean "separate bank account" or "set of ledger accounts among the chart of accounts in accordance with normal accounting practice".

This shows up in section 3.1, where the IAD maintains "an account", and in section 5, which at times uses "accounts", in the plural and indicating a normal corporate set of ledger accounts, and at other times uses "account", in the singular, apparently conceptualizing a personal checkbook. I would like to read both of these as specifying that there will be an appropriate set of ledger accounts (plural, in the sense that a General Ledger program uses the term) as described in section 5.1, and not detailing whether the storage vehicle is a single checkbook, a checkbook and a savings account, or some other combination of bank vehicles.

I think you want to leave the details of the bank accounts to the financial folks discretion, as the right approach may change from time to time. You just want to be very clear on what is the IETF's and what isn't, and be able to review/report the ledger accounts when you need to.

At 11:11 PM 12/08/04 +0100, Harald Tveit Alvestrand wrote:
After all this threading, it seems clear that it would be bad to send out the Last Call today as planned without settling this issue.
(Not to mention that the secretariat still hasn't posted version -02)

So - scanning back - I find that we have Bert's suggestion for "principle" that seems to have met with no strong disfavour:

  Once funds or in-kind donations have been credited to the IETF accounts,
  they shall be irrevocably allocated to the support of the IETF.

(Scott preferred my variant:

   Donations to the IETF shall be irrevocably committed to the support of
   the IETF

but I don't - this does not cover meeting fees)

So I propose the following consensus text - relative to bcp-02, which is visible on <>:

a) Add under "Principles", section 2.2, between item 4 and 5:

  Once funds or in-kind donations have been credited to the IETF accounts,
  they shall be irrevocably allocated to the support of the IETF.

b) Note, but DO NOT CHANGE, the following statements from section 5.
I believe they address the suggestions Margaret has made for a more detailed specification of money moving into and out of the accounts.

5.2 IETF Meeting Revenues

Meeting revenues are an important source of funds for IETF functions. The IAD, in consultation with the IAOC, sets the meeting fees as part of the budgeting process. All meeting revenues shall be credited to the appropriate IASA account.

5.3 Designated Donations, Monetary and In-Kind

ISOC shall create appropriate administrative structures to coordinate such donations with the IASA. In-kind resources are owned by the ISOC on behalf of the IETF and shall be reported and accounted for in a manner that identifies them as such. Designated monetary donations shall be credited to the appropriate IASA account.

5.4 Other ISOC Support

Other ISOC support shall be based on the budget process as specified in Section 6. ISOC shall credit the appropriate IASA accounts at least quarterly.


5.5 IASA Expenses

The IASA exists to support the IETF. Therefore, only expenses related to supporting the IETF may be debited from the IASA account.

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