>  Date: 2004-12-14 13:02
>  From: John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  To: "Addison Phillips [wM]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Addison Phillips [wM] scripsit:
> > The IETF process is not really my concern. I will note that many IETF and
> > non-IETF standards folks have participated in the process of developing and
> > reviewing draft-langtags, though. 
> Actually, we're all IETF people. ÂIf you're on an IETF mailing list 
> discussing
> an IETF item of work like an RFC, you're part of the IETF. ÂThe process
> is designed to serve us, not vice versa.

It's not quite that simple; IETF process has several specific requirements
(as spelled out in RFC 2026) -- an IETF Working group requires a charter
with a well-defined scope, specific milestones, etc.  There is an official
list of IETF working groups. 

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