On Sun, 12 Dec 2004 21:06:09 +0100, Wijnen, Bert (Bert) wrote:
>  This debate between John and Pete seems to be at such an abstract meta
>  level to me, that I have difficulty to try and see what it means for the
>  IAS BCP doc that I thinkwe are trying to get consensus on.

This is probably not what either one of them is thinking about, but I class 
their exchange as being concerned with the following question:

                Is the IETF making itself a wholly-owned subsidiary of ISOC, or 
is the IETF contracting with ISOC to do some services for the IETF.

The distinction is about the pragmatics of ultimate authority over the IETF's 

For me, at least, this makes their exchange a very, very long way from abstract.

Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking
dcrocker  a t ...

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