>  Date: 2004-12-21 00:57
>  From: "Doug Ewell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The RFC 3066bis approach involves creating a registry of all the pieces
> that can make, or be combined to make, a language tag. ÂThis is much
> easier to implement and understand than chasing down the various
> standards and their history, and it permits stability that cannot exist
> if ISO maintenance agencies change their codes.

Substituting a Numbers Authority for a Maintenance Agency
might not solve the problem; indeed it may bring new problems.
IANA isn't infallible, and has botched some registry entries.
See http://mail.apps.ietf.org/ietf/charsets/msg01477.html
for an example.
> Vernon Schryver [...] characterized debating RFC 3066bis (for over a year!)
> within the IETF-Languages group, and only presenting it to other groups
> during the Last Call period, as a "process problem,"


> and charged this 
> group with engaging in "lawyerly talk such as whether 'accounts' is more
> appropriate than 'account'" even though no such exchange ever took place
> (I checked the archives back to January 2002).

No, he was referring to concurrent discussions on the
IETF mailing list.
> Now Bruce wants us to wait a few more days before rolling out his
> suggestions to fix these perceived problems.
> This is a filibuster, an attempt to stall RFC 3066bis out of existence.

I also (i.e. in addition to JFC) find that characterization
offensive.  I am responding to an IETF New Last Call in
accordance with established procedures, and within the time
period established.  I had at one time entertained an
informal approach to addressing the procedural issues, but
given such an accusation, I am now inclined to use the
formal procedure outlined in RFC 2026 section 6.5.2.

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