> I don't think that there is a substantive issue here, just an 
> editorial one.  What about just reusing Jorge's text, like this:
> >Margaret said (quoting the draft):
> >
> >>>  The IAD is responsible for ensuring that all contracts give the IASA
> >>>  and the IETF all rights in data needed to satisfy the principle of
> >>>  data access.
Margaret suggested this changed text:

> The IAD is responsible for ensuring that all contracts give IASA and 
> the IETF the perpetual rigth to use, display, distribute, reproduce, 
> modify and create derivatives of all data created in support of IETF 
> activities.

The above text change seems fine to me and states the same as what we
want to say (in my view) and is less "twisted" (I agree).

So I have made the (in my view editorial) change in my edit buffer.

> It is not much longer than the original, and I don't have to twist my 
> brain around to realize what it is trying to say.
> >I can't think of a way to untwist the sentence more while making it 
> >say the same thing - suggest that we don't make any change.
> Does my suggestions above help?
> Margaret

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