
No, actually I think this is right. This is guidance to the IAOC for publishing the rules not the rules themselves. In general, the rules should only cover exceptional expenses (e.g. spent $1000 paying the teleconference bill for xxx), but the IAOC can also establish rules for non-exceptional expenses (e.g. mileage for meetings) because its the only way they can get people to come to do something for example.

At 09:12 AM 1/10/2005, Scott W Brim wrote:
On 1/10/2005 06:12, Wijnen, Bert (Bert) allegedly wrote:

OK, I have added the text (in my edit buffer) as proposed by Mike.
So that is:
               The IAOC shall set and publish rules covering
               reimbursement of expenses and such reimbursement
               shall generally be for exceptional cases only.

at the end of section 4, so just before section 4.1


If this is still open to nits ... I don't think you want "generally".
It doesn't go with "exceptional". Isn't reimbursement *always* for exceptional cases only? If it's exceptionally for common cases, would those not also be exceptional? :-)

I suggest eliminating "generally".


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