At Thu, 13 Jan 2005 17:54:29 -0500, John C. Klensin wrote:
> Close, but "no".  You don't want to say "some decisions may be
> made by voting" since it leaves a loose end about how that
> decision is made.  You might say any of 
>       "...the IAOC may, by consensus, conclude that it should
>       make a particular decision by voting"  or
>       "...the IAOC chair may decide to resolve a particular
>       matter by voting" or
>       "...if the IAOC concludes that the matter should be
>       resolved, rather than continuing discussion until
>       consensus can be achieved, the decision will be made by
>       voting"
>    "..., the decision will be made by voting."

<hat editor=on>

Well, Bert said that we were going with Harald's suggested text, but
his note and John's crossed in the mail, and I think that John raises
a valid point here.

For the purposes of getting something that might suffice into the
draft that Bert and I intend to ship this morning, I'm going to go
with John's last option (if the IAOC can't achieve a unanimous
decision, it falls back to voting), and leave all the rest of the text
in as Harald stated it.  I think that this is consistant with other
discussion up to this point, and we can of course fix it if it turns
out that this is not what the community wanted.


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