Thanks for the comments, Lynn!

--On søndag, januar 16, 2005 18:03:35 -0500 "Lynn St.Amour" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At 11:43 PM +0100 1/14/05, Harald Tveit Alvestrand wrote:

as you can see, version -04 is out.
It should reflect pretty accurately the items that seemed to have
consensus as of last night; on still open issues, it contains either
the same text as before or some proposed text.


I have a couple of comments below; I will address some of the other
questions raised by Margaret and Rob by responding to their mails. Also,
note: the ISOC Board is reviewing the -04 version and my comments should
not be interpreted as the full extent of ISOC's comments, those will be
sent soon.

-- In 2.1

 IAOC: Internet Administrative Oversight Committee, defined by this

Should be IETF rather than Internet (especially with the current governance discussion underway unless we really want to liven that discussion up :-). I think the references in the document itself are OK but I did not do a thorough check.

Ouch - this got noticed before, but we did not fix it. Right you are!

-- In 2.2 principle 8 - note: this is not a critical change, but it may
be helpful to more accurately reference later text in the document.

The IASA, in cooperation with ISOC, shall ensure that sufficient

s/reserves/reserves or other mechanisms/

Question on language: in this case (both here and in the title of 5.6), the doc tries to use "reserves" to mean "money available if needed", and "provide reserve" as "have money in the bank or other means of coming up with money if needed".
Is it better in your opinion to use "reserve or other mechanism" when referring to having money available?

I think we're in sync on what its meaning needs to be, and working on how to express it.

 exist to keep the IETF operational in the case of unexpected events
such as income shortfalls.

-- In 5.6 Operating Reserve

   As an initial guideline and in normal operating circumstances, the
   IASA should have an operating reserve for its activities sufficient
   to cover 6-months of non-meeting operational expenses, plus twice the
   recent average for meeting contract guarantees.  However, the IASA
   shall establish a target for a reserve fund to cover normal operating
   expenses and meeting expenses in accordance with prudent planning.

This doesn't seem to parse clearly - are you suggesting that the targeted reserve fund will be different from the initial guideline as described in the first sentence (or maybe it's a timeframe difference?)? If you want to leave it up to IASA (IAOC?), why not say so directly, perhaps referencing the "under normal operating circumstances" etc. etc.

The intent was to make it clear that the IASA will make a decision on the needed reserves for any given year (I assume that the IAD will propose something after due consultation and IAOC will approve it, but writing that here is clearly overkill), and that the IETF community would give a little guidance ("six months seems OK") and then let them decide.

We can imagine all sorts of circumstances where reserves would depart from norm (after one meeting is cancelled because of a volcano, reserves are lower than usual; after a gift of 100M dollars from a retired dot-com magnate, the reserves are higher....)

Suggestion for how to make this "place authority + non-binding guidance" clearer?

Minor editorial comments:

- In 3.1 6th para - delete redundant "should"

- In 3.2 1st para - delete redundant "be"

- In 4 4th para - delete redundant "as"

Again, thanks to everyone (and especially Bert, Rob and Henrik) for all
the work.



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