> Brian E Carpenter wrote:
> Scott Bradner wrote:
> > Harald asks:
> > --------------------------------------------------------
> >   2.5 Effective Date for Commencement of IASA
> > 
> >   The procedures in this document shall become operational
> >   after this document has been approved by the process defined in
> >   BCP 9 [RFC2026] , including its acceptance as an IETF process BCP
> >   by the ISOC Board of Trustees, and the ISOC Board of Trustees
> >   has confirmed its acceptance of ISOC's responsibilities
> >   under the terms herein described.
> > --------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> >   Is that something we can live with?
> > 
> > I can
> ditto

Me too. I have the above text now applied to my edit buffer.

>     Brian

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