I now have this text:

               The IAOC is expected to determine what IETF
               administrative functions are to be performed, and how or
               where they should be performed (e.g., internally to the
               IASA or by outside organizations), so as to maintain an
               optimal balance of functional performance and cost of
               each such function.
               The IAOC should document all such decisions, and the
               justification for them, for review by the community. Each
               function should be reviewed on a regular basis, using the
               assumption that the function is unnecessary and that, if
               necessary, it is overstaffed, rather than an assumption
               that anything that has been done is necessary, and
               adjusted as needed.
               The IAD is responsible for negotiating and maintaining
               contracts (or equivalent instruments) with outside
               organizations as well as providing
               any coordination necessary to make sure the IETF
               administrative support functions are covered properly.
               All functions (those contracted to outside organizations
               as well as those performed internally in the IASA)
               must be clearly specified and documented with
               well-defined deliverables, service level agreements,
               and transparent accounting for the cost of such functions.

The first para is as proposed by John Klensin, the 2nd para has
been adjusted to use same terminology as first para.

It is in my edit buffer now.

Is that acceptable to everyone?


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