--On Wednesday, 26 January, 2005 17:04 +0100 "Wijnen, Bert
(Bert)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> John writes:
> ... snip a lot ..
>> I'd rather either 
>>      * Fix the BCP to accommodate this case, i.e., to give
>>      the IAOC the authority to accept unsolicited,
>>      sole-source proposals for outsourced operations if that
>>      seems appropriate to them, even if those proposals do
>>      not fufill some of the principles of the BCP itself or
>>      * Bury the BCP, at least in its present form, until we
>>      are really ready to move forward with its provisions.
>> The first of those options would, of course, respond to my
>> question about how the community authorizes this type of deal:
>> we examine the principles and give the IAOC the authority to
>> do it.
> It seems to me that we (as IETF community) have no formal
> control at all over what CNRI/Fortec do. So why would we as a
> community  have (or need) any say over what CNRI/Neustar do?
> All we need to do is that as soon as we have IASA in place (we
> still need to approve the BCP first) that IASA then starts
> to prepare for RFPs and such and then the process can start.
> During that process, we are still subject to whatever 
> CNRI/Foretec/Neustar do, are we not?

Absolutely.  But there have been several suggestions that
Neustar wants a guarantee of a year or two _from the IETF_ for
them (and Foretec) to keep the secretariat for them to go ahead
with the deal.  If they get that guarantee from somewhere, the
RFP preparation process is either moot or at least hugely
dragged out.

In principle, they might alternately get a guarantee from CNRI
to fight any attempt to move the secretariat elsewhere with
every tool, IPR claim, etc., at CNRI's disposal.  Or they might
guarantee CRNI that they would do so as a condition the deal and
permission to use the claimed IPR.  Any such guarantee would not
involve the IETF either, but it might pretty thoroughly cripple
any attempt to implement the BCP as it stands (or will stand


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