>  Date: 2005-02-18 00:51
>  From: Martin Duerst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> At 11:02 05/02/12, Bruce Lilly wrote:
> Â>While I do not dispute that some mobile devices might use some subset
> Â>of some version of Unicode for text in some languages, my point was,
> Â>in response to John Klensin's "Until and unless every one of us has a
> Â>keyboard that permits easy input of every Unicode character", that not
> Â>only do I not expect to have a keyboard permitting *easy* entry (no,
> Â>that doesn't mean "Grafiti" or "Decuma") of *every* Unicode character
> Â>any time soon, I don't expect it *ever*, because the Unicode code space
> Â>is expanding (in contradiction to the original Unicode Design Principles)
> Â>faster than the available memory space on low-power, compact, mobile
> Â>devices.
> Bruce - Would you care to supply some sources for the argument above?
> Computer power, including mobile devices, is still pretty much
> increasing exponentially. Unicode space allocation has never
> increased exponentially, and is slowing down.

The low end of computing devices -- what one should take into account
per RFC 1958 section 3.1 -- has remained fairly constant in terms of
available memory and processor power (price, power consumption,
physical size, etc. have declined).  Also, bear in mind that these
devices may have a useful life of a decade or more, and that
(software/firmware/hardware) upgrades for some older devices still
in use might not be available, or might not be applied by some users.
Regarding keyboard input, again the capabilities have remained fairly
static at the low end, with input limited to about a dozen keys with
multiple characters overloaded onto each key, and limited character
selection.  Unicode code size increased overnight by more than 4
orders of magnitude (a factor of 65536) when it went from 16 bits
65536 code points) to 32 bits (over 4 billion code points) at the
same time that it incorporated musical notation etc. in contradiction
to the Unicode Design Principles.

So Unicode *everywhere* isn't likely to happen because there are and
will continue to be low end devices that simply don't have the
capacity to support normalization tables etc. for billions of code
points -- now perhaps some of those low-end devices might be able
to support Unicode version 2.1, but then there are the version
incompatibility issues that I mentioned.

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