On Fri, 11 Mar 2005, Tim Chown wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 11, 2005 at 07:35:21AM -0800, Michel Py wrote:
> >
> > The reasons are the same why they are currently using NAT with IPv4 even
> > though they have enough public IPv4 address space. We have discussed
> > these for ages; if my memory is correct, you are the one that convinced
> > me some years ago that IPv6 NAT was unavoidable :-)
> Hi Michel, nice to hear from you :)
> Yes, I personally feel it is inevitable, and of course the IETF won't stop
> people deploying it.

Well, the NAT's are not really necessary in a dual stack implementation,
i.e. once the v6 router is deployed at the perimeter of the v4 NAT
network, the NAT becomes unnecessary for end to end connectivity.  Its not
really that tough for a SOHO... free tunnels coupled with free stateless
autoconfig routing software such as radvd, and a NAT becomes a globally
addressed v6 network.  There is the latency involved with tunneling, of
course, but that can be (and in all practice has been) overcome with
regionally distributed tunnel brokers.

> The irony in European and US deployment seems to be that the networks that
> have deployed IPv6 natively are the very ones that have ample IPv4
> address space already (predominantly the academic/research networks) while
> the networks that could benefit the most (SOHO) remain IPv4-only.

The problem is very little v6 deployment from the carriers providing
circuits to the SOHO... no native support on the part of the carrier means
more work for the SOHO operator unless there are shiny little boxes with
blinkenlights that say "IPv6 Router" on them.


> Noel's 'snake oil' analogy cuts close to the bone, but in the case of IPv6
> - as we heard in the IAB plenary last night - ISPs have some motivation
> to keep their patients ill ($$ for global addresses).
> Nice discussion.
> --
> Tim/::1
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