Paul Vixie wrote:
In my opinion we need a 200% open process to qualify if a sponsor and
venue are acceptable or not. I'm sure Brian will heard us on this ;-)

Since site selection involves contract negotiations, I doubt if the actual process can ever be even 100% open.

i think that transparency serves us all.  can we have it be that the
existence of each "bid" is made public?  i'd like to be able to visit
the ietf web site and find out how many times jordi (and others) have
offered to host, and in which cities in which years.  naturally the
terms, and the reason for selection/nonselection, can't be transparent;
but in my sunshine-law way of looking at things, everything that can
be opened, should be opened.

I don't think we could do that retrospectively, since as far as I can judge these discussions have mainly been presumed confidential.

But when Jordi's (thanks, Jordi) document on site selection criteria
is agreed, so that reasonably objective criteria are in place, we could
certainly start a practice of asking people who propose sites whether
that information can be made public.


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