I don't disagree. Counting heads is a blunt instrument for subtle
questions. But there are cases where it's informative.


Bruce Lilly wrote:
Re: Voting Idea? (Was: Last Call: 'Requirements for IETF        DraftSubmission 
Toolset' to Informational RFC)
Date: 2005-04-06 09:12
From: Brian E Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The free site I found says "voting"; of course, what the IETF
can use such things for is only straw polls. But in a case
like the present one, I think that is a reasonable way of
finding out what the centre of gravity of opinion is.

In ASCII art:
Consensus:   ____/  \___

Rough Consensus  ____/  \___/\___

Badly phrased question: ___/\____/\____/\____/\___

(I'm reasonably serious about that)

Maybe -- maybe not.

Here's what one IETF WG chair had to say (where "this topic" refers
to a specific issue under discussion in the WG):
On the topic of voting: Especially on this topic, I think voting would be stupid. The decision is about rough consensus. One screaming person does not indicate that there is no rough consensus, but one or two well-reasoned arguments against a screaming huge crowd does. And a huge number of "I'd prefer X, but I couldn't care less" votes versus 2 or 3 well-argued "X will spell doom for the Internet, and Y will save it" votes *is* rough consensus for Y over X. So voting generally doesn't help me decide one way or the other that there is rough consensus.

In short, quality of argument trumps (if the chair is chairing)
quantity.  Voting (incl. as "straw polls") only measures quantity, not

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