On Thu, 2005/04/07 (MDT), <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Draft section 8 states:

   Furthermore, drafts containing PDF or Postscript format
   must not be auto-posted until the Toolset can validate that their
   content matches plain text format (R143/a).

That would seem to be unnecessary if PostScript/PDF are generated
automatically (by the Toolset) from the same source used to generate

The requirement is, of course, necessary (it does not depend on what the Toolset does or does not; it is driven by IETF needs).

If text and PDF/PS formats are generated automatically (and correctly) by the Toolset from the same source, then the Toolset effectively validates that PDF/PS content matches plain text format.

In theory, there are probably other ways to validate, such as converting submitted PDF/PS to plain text. Please note that I am not saying that those theoretical ways are practical! It is quite possible that submitted PS/PDF drafts will never be auto-validated and, hence, will never be auto-posted. Is that a problem? I doubt (given the low number of PS/PDF drafts). I do not want to optimize for a few corner cases. However, if folks disagree, they can add more requirements to the Nth version of the Toolset...

Please note that currently PS/PDF draft formats are not compared to plain text format when posted by the Secretariat, and there is no requirement in the Submission Toolset draft that the Secretariat must compare in the future. This may change once folks start posting porn in PS/PDF format.


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